Thursday 14 January 2016

New maternity leave period - return to blogging?

Yes, that is the question - now I have just started my second maternity leave, 4 years later we got another lovely little girl and I suddenly are back at the computer organizing my online profiles, pictures and creating blogs for my girls (private for family that will be turned into books by using blog2print)

When not occupied with work I get the energy to focus on these things, so I might start up this blog again - we'll see how it goes :) I will actually work a bit during my maternity leave this time, was planning to finish my MBA but are struggling with the motivation and find it difficult to manage self-study when the subjects are Accounting, Finance and Statistics.. they have some new online support so I might try that. Anyway, the plan is to work 20% on a new exiting project with my new job as a Consultant so that will be fun, think it will be manageable as the baby seem to be doing well and we are all adjusting to our new life quickly.

Since it is a new year and a new chapter in my life it makes sense to set up some new objectives! They need to be SMART of course ;)

1. Get fit!
- have hardly moved during my pregnancy so now it is time to get my act together, have agreed a challenge with a friend in Endomodo to do as many walks in 2016 as we can in addition hike up a mountain each month (it doesn't have to be a very high mountain;) Spesific, Measurable, Realistic, Achievable and Timebound I would say! Also want to do some Yoga, easiest is to just find something on YouTube I've found and do it when I have time.

2. Improvement projects in the house
- I have lists.. that keep on growing, but love the feeling of crossing out as I complete them. Stuff like organizing, tidying and making stuff (nitting, sewing and other crafts)

3. Develop myself
- study or work.. do training - these kind of things (not very SMART yet but you get the idea)