Monday 23 January 2012

New media and information flow

I have been getting more and more fed up with the tabloid newspapers in this country, they contain nothing interesting and I think it is not just me who have changed. I spend a lot of my time online but get my news from other sources, I almost don't have to watch tv or read the news when I am following the right people on Twitter I've noticed. If I want to be updated on design, interior, art, graphics and so on I use blogs or the new platforms for sharing photos like Tumblr or Pinterest etc. In addition I buy far too many glossy magazines.

I thought it was interesting what I read in Aftenposten this weekend: 

Optimist på medienes vegne

Og mens Google håver inn enorme summer på nettannonser, sliter mediehusene tungt med å tjene penger på nett. Brittin har selv tidligere jobbet i avis og sier han skjønner hvor skoen trykker.
- Alt dette er nytt, og det er nok tøft nå. Men på lengre sikt er jeg optimist. Jeg tror Internett vil være en stor mulighet for mediene. Kvalitetsjournalistikk vil overleve. Internett gjør at hvem som helst kan publisere, mediene må finne det som gjør dem unike, sier Brittin.
Han vil ikke gå med på at Googles suksess kan bli medienes bane.
- Google hjelper til med å spre nyhetene, det klikkes 4 milliarder ganger på mediesaker via Googles tjenester hver måned. Vi har også tjenester som kan hjelpe mediene å få etablert betalingstjenester, og annonseverktøy.
Basically that internet is giving everybody the opportunity to be their own publisher, we can create our own newspapers - check out this can be connected to your twitter account and you get the news you want from the people or media you follow in a nice newspaper format! Of course google also has their igoogle page where you can put your favorite content up, and you have Flipboard, brilliant app for ipad for reading magazines etc. Internet has changed - the newspapers just need to understand this and find their niches and keep up the game. We still want good journalism and read good stories, but the way it is being done at the moment is not working, I still want to read paper newspapers for my lazy breakfasts and enjoying a latte in a cafe, but if they are going to compete with my ipad they can't get stuck in the old times and use their pages on complaining that people have changed their habits. 
I thought this quote from Terence Conran is good and applies in many areas:

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